
fusion is a user oscillator for the Korg Minilogue XD and Prologue synthesisers.

fusion provides a complete virtual-analogue synthesiser, with extensive control from the Prologue or Minilogue XD front panel.

Layer fusion with the standard VCOs to thicken sounds and add sub-oscillators, or use it standalone to provide a complete virtual-analogue emulation of the Logue VCOs but backed with a 24dB/octave filter - all controlled from the main synthesiser panel by mirroring the VCO and VCF controls along with their modulation sources.

fusion provides:

  • resonant 12/24dB low-pass, high-pass and band-pass filters with key-tracking and EG and LFO modulation from the front panel
  • accurate emulations of the Minilogue XD VCOs, including shape, sync, ring and cross-modulation
  • dual oscillators that shadow the corresponding VCO panel controls
  • a dedicated high-pass trim filter controlled via the multi-engine ‘shape’ control
  • an adjustable analogue ‘age’ controlled via the multi-engine ‘shift-shape’ control
  • the ability to use the VCO mixer levels to cross-fade between VCO and the paired digital oscillator

fusion uses a newly developed high-quality audio engine, using 2x oversampling and anti-aliased virtual analogue oscillators, which include:

  • emulation of the Minilogue XD’s VCOs, with all three waveforms, shape modulation, sync and ring modulation
  • emulation of the Alpha Juno PWM Saw waveform (“hoover” sound)
  • emulation of the JP8000 super-saw and super-square oscillators
  • emulation of the JP-4 sawtooth and sawtooth + sub oscillator
  • pulse and pulse + sub waveforms
  • phase modulation waveform generators


Extensive use is made of the synthesiser’s front panel controls, making fusion intuitive to use while also providing greater control than is possible with conventional user-oscillator plugins:

fusion provides models of the Minilogue XD VCOs, but with the ability to route the audio through both the VCF and a flexible digital filter – as close as you can get to dropping a 24dB/octave, high-pass or band-pass filter in to your existing instrument.


Oscillator mixing plus filter controls from the front panel:

Sample audio, demonstrating four layered pulse-wave oscillators and oscillator sync:

Sample audio, demonstrating filter sweeps with a detune-spread oscillator. This uses fusion’s 24dB/octave digital filter, not the Logue VCF:

User Guide

The user-guide for fusion can be downloaded here (PDF) .


fusion is available in ’lite’ and ‘pro’ versions, which differ in the number of filter modes and waveforms that are provided. The ’lite’ version is free to download and use.

All purchases and downloads include both Minilogue and Prologue versions.

Please note that fusion does not support the NTS-1.

Click on the links below to open sellfy to complete the purchase and download the user-oscillator from the purchase page. For fusion-lite there is no charge and the checkout process will not require a payment card.

Note that the front-panel control functions of fusion require firmware version 2.10 on the synthesiser (the most recent version at time of writing). If you are still running an older OS, you will need to update to get the full functionality of the plugin.