
Plugin-software for Korg Logue Synthesisers



New: version 1.1 update with bug fixes and velocity modulation of the Filter EG . ds80 is a Logue user-oscillator which emulates the digital waveforms from the vintage Digisound DS-80-21 VCDO rack module . Key features: 32 waveforms in 4+1 banks reproduces variable-sample-rate waveform artefacts alias-free sample generation single oscillators plus white noise waveforms can be selected individually or swept smoothly as a wavetable bandwidth limiter analogue tuning drift Filter EG modulation of wavetable position, incorporating velocity sensitivity The plugin is a free download and uses the same technology as viper which uses additive wavetable synthesis to emulate the Korg DW-8000, Kawai K3, Ensoniq ESQ1 and PPG Wave .


viper is a pack of four user oscillators for the Korg Prologue, Minilogue-XD and NTS1 that provide waveforms and wavetables from classic hybrid synthesisers: viper-dw with 16 waveforms from the Korg DW-8000 viper-k3 with 31 waveforms from the Kawai K3 viper-esq with 32 waveforms from the Ensoniq ESQ-1 viper-ppg with 32 wavetables from the PPG Wave Key features: dual oscillators high quality, alias-free synthesis core with 16 bit sample resolution simulated multi-sampling allows tonal shifts at different key ranges slew-rate limiting for glitch-free modulation single-stage pitch envelope for ‘auto-bend’ effects and white noise generator1 wavetable modulation using the filter EG and shape LFO2 At the heart of viper are four additive synthesis models that reconstruct the original waveforms in real time Up to 128 harmonics to be generated with full anti-aliasing and 16 bit sample resolution, giving a clear, musical sound.
phase7 super-wave oscillator

phase7 super-wave oscillator

phase7 is a user oscillator for the Korg Minilogue XD and Prologue. It provides accurate emulations of the JP-8000 super-saw waveform, as well as a range of other effects. The oscillator is available in both lite and pro versions. Uniquely, phase7 can be controlled entirely from the front panel. Dial in a VCO waveform, wave-shape and detune, and phase7 will replicate the sound with its seven free running digital oscillators. phase7-pro adds more waveforms, velocity modulation of wave shape, and a flexible second LFO.


fusion is a user oscillator for the Korg Minilogue XD and Prologue synthesisers. fusion provides a complete virtual-analogue synthesiser, with extensive control from the Prologue or Minilogue XD front panel. Layer fusion with the standard VCOs to thicken sounds and add sub-oscillators, or use it standalone to provide a complete virtual-analogue emulation of the Logue VCOs but backed with a 24dB/octave filter - all controlled from the main synthesiser panel by mirroring the VCO and VCF controls along with their modulation sources.


unity is a user oscillator for the NTS-1, Minilogue XD, Prologue 8 and Prologue 16 synthesisers. At its simplest, it can emulate pulse-based string synthesis and the JP-8000 super-saw, but it also has a broad range of sound shaping controls that can go substantially further. Fifteen waveform generator models are provided, encompassing linear morphing between analogue wave-shapes, aliasing and anti-aliased generators, ring-modulation, frequency-modulation, and phase-synchronised modes for percussive sounds. Depending on the selected model, a single voice can contain up to nineteen independent parallel oscillators with morphable wave-shapes and adjustable detune-spread.